The art of seeing

During our living, we search for beauty and perfection.We travel hundreds, even thousands of miles to check and look for beautiful things or persons or monuments etc .....We forget in many ways, and frequently , the beauty that surrounds us.The beauty of a loving wife, of caring parents and friends, of tendre neighbours .The beauty of nature .



Red cabbage bug

Eurydema ornatum, belongs to the family of Pentatomidae.


Oenopia conglobata  , belongs to the family of coccinellidae. 

My legs are itching

Tiny winged bug


Looking at her face, doesn't it feel as it is wearing glasses ?


Those small crabs master the art of camouflage, you can hardly spot them, usually on a rock, at the junction air/water.

Look at this tiny crab just over the water.

A pipefish

We spotted this fish in Byblos fishing and boating area.
It's a kind of syngnathus, also known as pipefish (in french : aiguille de mer ou poisson trompette).

The oedemera species

This oedemera podagrariae is a female, it has all thin limbs. These insects belong to the order of coleoptera, which means they have sheathed wings : they are supposed to have 2 pairs of wings, the outer pair became hard and protective as a sheath.

This one is a male, it has swellings over thighs. Note the small varied carpet beetle, which is an anthrenus verbasci, usually found in carpets.

And a male oedemera femorata.

Stink bug

this is a graphosoma semipunctatum or semipunctatus ( in french pentatome ponctué). It is a specie of stink bugs (in french = punaise) .
These bugs like hot weather, and they eat the flowers of umbelliferous plants.
The stink bug has company : a false blister beetle ( of the oedemeridae insect family)

Souvenir of our honeymoon

Hollyhock weevils making love